“Ceferino Elorza “ and “Tráficos y Servicios Elorza y Cia” combine more than half a century of experience to create a solid response to your logistic needs.

Elorza is strategically located: In the core business center of the city of Bilbao, northen Spain, is where management operates Custom arrangements, Ship Agencies and Logistics Operations. There is also an auxiliary office to operate locally and efficiently.

Elorza is well run by highly skilled professionals to carry out your all our client requests. Personnel is well focused to deliver high standard service to match clients expectations.

Rafael Elorza Mendiluce

General Manager

As GM will hear all your requests and provide the most suitable solution for your need.

Roberto Gutiérrez

Custom Agency

As Custom Agent Representative leads a team of expert agents, Aitor Urrutia and José María Losa.This team arranges custom clearances and advice you on tax declarations properly.

Diana Mircea

Ship Agency

Head of a Ship Agency department together with Alfonso López build a solid team to cope with the most demanding port calls of your vessels.

Mario Morillo

Operations Department

As Head of Operations, coordinates all resources to match your budget and deadlines. Cost control and efficiency drive the way of working.

Alberto Martínez

General Logistics

Leads the logistics team to move and take due care of your cargo. He puts all the required equipment and professionals to your service. Imanol Echevarría for road transport and Aitor Portalesfor port and wharehousing coordinate activities effciently at the Port of Bilbao. All together with in site operators Aitor Gorigolzarri, Ricardo Ortega and Roberto García will assure the best service.

Cristina Sánchez


Head of Administration department and her team of highly skilled professionals, Verónica García and Ceferino Elorza , manages operations to support all activities of the company ..

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